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Yunus presents book of graffiti to US officials

Chief Adviser Muhammad Yunus today presented an book of graffiti, containing powerful artwork created during the student-led mass uprising, to a visiting US delegation at the State Guest House Jamuna.
The book, commissioned by Yunus shortly after assuming leadership of the interim government, showcases some of the most powerful graffiti created during the revolution in July-August.
These artworks on the walls of Dhaka and other cities, reflect the emotions, hope, and aspirations of the youth who took part in the protests against the regime of Sheikh Hasina, Chief Adviser’s Office said in a statement.
Speaking to the US delegation, Yunus emphasised the historical importance of the graffiti, saying, “I will request you to look at the walls of Dhaka. These graffiti still exist. They were drawn not just after the revolution. Students defied the government forces to draw graffiti during the protests in July.”
Dhaka became the “Graffiti capital of the world” after young painters turned its walls into powerful canvases, read the statement. They used walls to express revolutionary slogans, poetry, and messages calling for a discrimination-free Bangladesh.
Yunus recalled the resilience and creativity of the youth, explaining how the artwork gained support from people across all walks of life.
“They did not have the money to buy paint and brushes. People came forward to support them,” he shared with the US officials.
